Blog for Later in Life Moms & Dads Over 35

Our group for later in life moms features parents and experts sharing.  We share about living life fully over age 35, and write not just about parenting experiences, but life, growth, aging, etc.

Given Robin’s personal passion for sharing cool finds, travel destinations, unique attractions and theatre going, she and others write periodic reviews of products, services, trips, Broadway and Off Broadway shows and other forms of entertainment, attractions and leisure pursuits….whether for kids, moms or couples.

If you’d like to submit a topic, product, destination, event, show or attraction for consideration, write [email protected].  Happy to hear from you!

Click to determine which type of writing opportunity is best for you.

GOLDSTEIN: Show Review by Robin Gorman Newman

April 18, 2018

Stop Trying to Be a Perfect Mom by Dana B. Myers, author, The Mommy Mojo Makeover (Book Excerpt)

April 18, 2018

Empty Nest Schmest by Barbara Adler

April 13, 2018

A “Downtown Experience” with My Teen Son by Robin Gorman Newman

April 12, 2018

Going on a Guilt Trip by Nina Lorez Collins, author, What Would Virginia Woolf Do?

April 10, 2018

Attending an Art Exhibition at NYC’s Fire Museum with My Jr. Firefighter Son by Robin Gorman Newman

April 4, 2018

“Later Life” Theater Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

April 2, 2018

Solving Conflicts At Home by Angela C. Santomero, M.A., author, PRESCHOOL CLUES: Raising Smart, Inspired, and Engaged Kids in a Screen-Filled World

April 2, 2018