Finding My Way … by Andrea Santo Felcone

Here’s a little known fact. I was supposed to be “Queen of the Corn Maze.” Or maybe my rightful title was going to be, “First Lady of the Corn Maze”? Or “Maid of the Maize Maze”? I’m not sure. My children were supposed to be heirs to a Corn Maze ...

ARTech: Pop-up Activity Center: Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

This past Saturday, my family and I had an opportunity to check out an interesting “pop-up” activity center known as “ARTech: Adventures in Art + Technology” held in the Meatpacking District of New York City. The Children’s Museum of the Arts and the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) in ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Finding Magic in the Mayhem by Bernadette Noll, author, Look At Us Now

I don’t think I need to tell you that parenting can be hectic. Whether you have one child or five, whether you are a single mom or happily coupled, whether you have toddlers or teens, on many days the mess of parenting seems to far outweigh the calm. So how ...

Adventures in Attachment Parenting: Parenting Creatively by Allison Silver

It's October which means not only is fall in the air and Halloween is just a few short weeks away but it's also Attachment Parenting International Month. This year the theme is "Parenting Creatively." This idea of parenting creatively is based on the notion that all of us are creative ...

ROBIN’S PICKS & GIVEAWAYS: Easy, Fun Living for Moms & Kids

 Periodically when I stumble on something cool/new , I like to share. So, check out the following:   Silly Lips™ has launched a new line of natural lip balms with enriched ingredients like Shea butter and the purest essential oils.  They make your lips feel soft and smooth, and they come in ...