Political Correctness to the Nth Degree by Vicky Dal Molin

Easter weekend just passed us by and it made me so much more aware than usual of the differences between life here in the USA and back home in Australia. While I was listening to family and friends recount how they were spending their extra long weekend (4 days off ...

There is no such thing as the Easter Bunny by Margaret Hart

Our family had a lovely holiday weekend. My parents and sister visited from Maine and we all enjoyed several days of family bonding and fun, culminating in a mini egg hunt for my son and my sister, and a delicious dinner on Easter Sunday. As I do every year, I purchased ...

I See Me Books – Review by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

I See Me! Books   Easter is a time of love and reflection for many people. Often parents search for a gift for their children that isn’t a chocolate bunny or candy egg. Especially if their child has a food allergy. I thought our readers might have interest in this inspirational and ...