Ready or Not by Madeline Levine, PhD (Book Excerpt)

C H A P T E R 10 The Future-Proof Family Building a Better Moral Compass and Stronger Communities If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. —African proverb When it comes to preparing our children for an unpredictable future, no conversation is complete without stating ...

Meet Later Mom Kimberly Samson

AGE:  49 RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Happily Married RESIDENCE:  Los Angeles AGES OF YOUR SONS: 20, 17 and 9 I left a lucrative and prestigious (because at that time, my self worth was my job) position as a money manager with Merrill Lynch to stay home with my children. I had a brief stint back into ...

THE DISINTEGRATING STUDENT by Dr. Jeannine Jannot (Book Excerpt)

The Miraculous Transformation I have always been fascinated by the changes we see in our children as they grow; physically and psychologically. In what seems like the blink of an eye they go from infancy to adolescence, and the miraculous transformation starts the moment they are born. We revel in their ...

Meet Later Mom Dina Lewis

AGE:  53 RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single RESIDENCE:  Chicago AGE OF YOUR DAUGHTER: 9 years Did you always want to be a mom?  I always wanted to be a mom, I just didn’t know when it would happen.  I spent my 20's and 30's figuring myself out and then building a career.   When I was ...

Michele Borba, author, Thrivers, The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine: Interview by Melissa Couch Salim

Michele Borba has been a teacher, educational consultant and parent for many years, and she has never been more worried about kids than she is right now.  She describes our kids today as strivers—educated, motivated and more privileged than ever before, yet depressed, lonely and empty, and this is according ...

Meet New Later-in-Life Dad Stephen McCall: Interview by Robin Gorman Newman, founder,

Stephen McCall AGE: 43 RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single  RESIDENCE: Washington, D.C.  AGES OF YOUR CHILDREN: 11 & 15 I am a senior staffer for the U.S. Congress.  I also am a distinguished military veteran (US Air Force) and worked over 20 years in the Department of Defense as a civil servant. I was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome at age ...

Meet Melissa Bernstein of Melissa & Doug and Author, LifeLines

Q&A With Melissa Bernstein From the outside, your life looks perfect: you started a business from scratch, used your creativity to design toys, and made hundreds of millions of dollars doing it. You’ve been married for 28 years, have 6 kids, 2 dogs, a cat, a beautiful house. Did the fear ...

I am Mama by Later Mom Marina Topsis

I worked in the airline industry for 38 1/2 years and took early retirement at 60 for many reasons. I wish I could say it was solely for my then 4 and 6 year old sons. It turned out to be a great decision. A few months later, 3/16/20, we ...

Me, Motherhood, and a Wise Woman by Julie Wheaton & Patrece Powers (Book Excerpt)

She makes it look so easy. She looks so together. She has a clean house. She has a nanny. She doesn’t spend enough time with her kids. She spends too much time with her kids. She doesn’t need to work. She is so smart. She is so creative. She has a husband who helps with the kids. She is having ...

Mom, You Just Don’t Get It by Ali Skylar

The other day my 21 year old son Chaz called after watching a documentary called The Social Dilemma. According to the filmmakers, this documentary is “a powerful exploration of the disproportionate impact that a relatively small number of engineers in Silicon Valley have over the way we think, act, and ...