I Create My Own Future: How to beat economic recessions and depressions at their own game by pamela francis

I am in the final stages of a book I've been writing for quite some time now called "Pot to Piss In: How my upbringing ensured I'd be poor" by Pamela Francis, and in it, I make mention of how superstition is a large part of how people of color, in ...

Prescriptions for Life on an Even Keel by Pamela Francis

I never wanted to be a doctor. Or a nurse, for that matter. Or even a psychotherapist. When I dispense my "healing advice" there's no appointment necessary, no copay, no danger of an ensuing malpractice suit. You can take it or leave it and I won't badger you about when's ...

The Perfect Gifts by Pamela Francis

When I was a little girl my grandparents on my mom's side used to take me to the mall around this time of year and let me do some Christmas shopping for my mom. Whatever little allowance I had built up, my grandfather, whom my mom's mother had married and ...