Archive for October, 2007

Trick or Treat

Halloween is almost here, and Seth has been totally psyched for weeks now. What's not to like? Free candy.....and lots of it. Plus, this year, he's going to be a Power Ranger. The Red one, to be exact. I must admit I don't know the difference ...

My Mommy Briefcase

I originally posted this on the Working Woman blog but thought it would be fun to have here as well!When I was single, I used to have those embarrassing moments when I'd reach into my overstuffed purse for a pen during a client meeting and out comes a slew of ...

A Life of His Own

We went to an Open House at Seth's pre-K last night, and I always find myself feeling very sentimental when I go to his school. It's like I become that much more aware of the life that Seth has outside of me and his home. His new teacher spoke ...

Pushing Buttons

I didn't plan to blog on this subject, but I need to vent at the moment.It is never a dull moment as a parent....both good 'n bad.This morning, Seth went out with Marc to do errands, and they returned while I was taking a shower. Next thing I know, ...


My in-laws gave us a generous gift for the baby, with a card that said "for the baby-to-be." It was refreshing to read it. The stage that I am in has been investigated by anthropologists who coined it "liminality." As humans move through major stages of life, ...