Pathways to Parenthood (Excerpt from A Family, Maybe: Two Dads, Two Babies, and the Court Cases That Brought Us Together) by Lane Igoudin

My earliest knowledge about gay parenting comes from, of all places, Newsweek. Back in 1996, working a student job at Stanford News Service, I picked up a glossy issue from a stack of magazines that came in, intrigued by the cover blurb, “Gay Families Come Out.” Those were different times for ...

Does Your Child Stutter? Help for Parents by Dr. Heather Grossman, Clinical Director of the American Institute for Stuttering

If you are a parent of a child who stutters, watching your child struggle to speak can be heartbreaking. You may worry how their speech will affect their ability to make friends, participate in school, speak up for themselves, and the list goes on. You probably have so many questions. ...

Interview with Darby Fox, Author, Rethinking Your Teenager: by Robin Gorman Newman, founder,

In your book, you discuss the concept of “who” you want your teen to be vs. “what”.  Can you elaborate? In my book, I discuss trying to focus on raising your children with the concept of “who “ they want to become vs. “ what” you want them to be ...

 Click, Click, Click Through My Mind by Zibby Owens (Book Excerpt)

   At first, I just couldn’t find the right words. I would open my mouth to speak and my brain would spin in circles like that unwanted rainbow swirl on a frozen computer. “It’s in the garbage,” I would answer, when asked the whereabouts of something in the garage. People’s names? Forget ...

I’m Not a Grandma……by Marina Topsis

It happened again. While waiting for the Halloween parade to start at my two boys’ school, another parent turned to me and asked if I was there for my grandchildren. I responded saying the boys are my kids. No apology. The month before I reminded my six year old to ...

Bringing Up Race. How to Raise a Kind Child in a Prejudiced World. By Uju Asika (Book Excerpt)

Be Cool, Be Kind, Be You My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. —­Maya Angelou, American writer I talk a lot about coolness on my blog. It’s one of my ultimate values, which might ...

Overcoming the Mom-Life Crisis: Ditch the Guilt by Nina Restieri (Book Excerpt)

Excerpted from Overcoming the Mom-Life Crisis: Ditch the Guilt, Put Yourself on the To-Do List, and Create A life You Love by Nina Restieri, courtesy of Post Hill Press.   Chapter 11: Secret Weapons All there is to do, right at this very moment, is to breathe in, breathe out, and kiss the ...

7 Tips For Parenting Adult Children – by Ali Skylar

As my kids hit their twenties, there was at first a big sigh of relief.  Okay, now it’s going to get easier.  Uh...I don’t think so! The hardest part?  Well, you don’t realize it until it happens, but it’s the "letting go" part.  All of those times you were exhausted, fried ...

Filmmaker Shows Kids Don’t Have to Be Collateral Damage of Divorce: Interview with Ginger Gentile by Later Mom Melissa Couch Salim

  The documentary film is so well done. Parental Alienation is a topic now being shared and discussed as a result of your work over the years. Your first film, Erasing Dad, started the conversations in Argentina and now Erasing Family has a large U.S. and even wider global reach. Congratulations!!! ...

Free to Be, You and Me! by Wendy Sue Noah

It’s been almost a full year since the pandemic started. No one, especially us parents, could have imagined what life would be like once our kids were sent home, with a “wait and see” message from the schools. All of a sudden, getting toilet paper became a significant challenge, some ...