13 THINGS STRONG KIDS DO by Amy Morin (Book Excerpt)

Chapter 2: They Empower Themselves Jayden woke up on his last day of summer vacation wishing he could make his break last just a little longer. Tomorrow was his first day of junior high, and he was dreading it. Not too long ago, he actually liked school. He got good grades and ...

Oh Mother, it’s a Meltdown – by Melissa Swedoski

The thing about a meltdown is that frequently you don't realize you're having one until halfway through it, and by then, you're well and truly invested in it, and you can't just quit. After all that effort and rage or craziness, well, you just have to finish what you started, ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Limiting Screen Time While Keeping Your Relations with Your Child Intact by Cynthia Gill, Co-Author, JUMP-STARTING BOYS

What is more important than the relationship with our children? I can’t think of too many things. But most parents make one of several mistakes. The first is they tend to focus more on the behavior than the child’s heart, correcting in ways that do not nurture the relationship. Punitive, ...

GUEST BLOG POST: How to Talk with Your Kids About Ethics by Michael Parker

[caption id="attachment_14089" align="alignleft" width="199" caption="Photo credit: Petri Kurkaa"][/caption]THE VALUE OF DISCUSSION Ethics and values should be spoken about regularly in homes. Every time your child comes home with an example of something “unfair” that happened at school, this is an opportunity to speak about ethics. When an issue comes up on ...

When the Kids Love Preschool More Than You by Melissa Swedoski

Monday was the official start of school here in Texas. Since the babysitter we had employed was returning to college, we made the big decision to send the girls to preschool. Well, sort of. After looking at several "institutional" sites and several "in-home" places, we opted to go with an ...

Finding a Pwesent for Dada by Melissa Swedoski

If you go trolling around the Internet - you know, for fun in your spare time - you'll find a lot of information on being a mom. Meaning, more information than you ever wanted to know on more topics than you ever thought possible. Turns out, the same can almost ...


CordaRoy's is a foam-filled beanbag chair that converts to a bed.....and it's a great find for a family (and others)! I saw this on the television show SHARK TANK, and knew I had to try it.  It's quickly become a source of fun for my son....and a convenience for our family. When ...

PICKS: Discoveries for Mom & Kids by Robin Gorman Newman

Emeshel X&Y are hand crafted fragrances that simulate the power of attraction between a man and a woman.  After being sold in Europe, Emeshel recently debuted its first fragrances for women and men in the United States. World-renowned perfumer Dominique Preyssas created the luxurious fragrance for women, Emeshel X.  It is ...

My Crazy Summer — Part 2 by Margaret Hart

I've been absent from my blog for the past couple of weeks in part due to what I wrote about in my last blog, "My Crazy Summer." My mother and sister arrived at my house on June 30th, and my sister had total knee replacement surgery on July 9th. She's currently ...