Meet Later Mom Louise Goffin

I'm a Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and co-host of a podcast that interviews legendary songwriters. In addition to running my record company, which is set up to allow me to release and distribute my recordings on CD and vinyl, I lead masterclasses and retreats in artist empowerment and songwriting. Visit What ...

Self Care In Order To Be Mother Bear by Wendy Sue Noah

  I consider myself a Polar Bear Mom, through and through! After winning full custody of my five children, whom I lovingly call my ‘tribe’, my life and heart has been dedicated to these magnificent beings who came through me, and who are a part of me, in every way. To put ...

Join The Later Moms Circle: Share with Peers in a Safe Space

Want to make new mom friends and connect with women of your generation also raising kids? Want a place to share open, authentic conversation with mom peers who have your back?  Want to hear from experts re: parenting, empty nesting, and more? is hosting THE LATER MOMS CIRCLE, led by Robin ...

Meet Later Mom: Actress/Writer/Comedian Anne Marie Scheffler

NAME: Anne Marie SchefflerAGE: 45RELATIONSHIP STATUS: SingleRESIDENCE: Los Angeles/ TorontoCHILDRENS NAMES/AGE: Nathan 10, Jake 8I’m a professional actress/ comedian/ writer/ voice artist. I do live comedy, TV, film and voice work. I’m currently on tour with my shows Suddenly Mommy and Spank! The Fifty Shades Parody. I look forward to ...

A Good Book by Conlee Ricketts

[caption id="attachment_17176" align="alignleft" width="222"] PIE by Sarah Weeks[/caption] Last year my daughter read PIE by Sarah Weeks. She brought it home on Library Day and read it cover to cover. She tried to explain the story and how great it was and why she liked it, and I tried to follow ...

Don’t Worry Everything Will Be Fine by Conlee Ricketts

[caption id="attachment_16929" align="alignleft" width="222"] In the shadow of fear[/caption] As a “grown up” the words, “it will all be O.K.” comforts me because I know—good or bad—the events of my life will roll along as they should. I learned though (the very hard way) that these words are just a big ...

Mommy’s Little Instruction Manual by Conlee Ricketts

Kids don’t come with instructions but parents should. All adults should really. I’ve know myself for 48 years now and I have explained myself to my daughter more than once in order to make sure she doesn’t take any of my ridiculous nonsense too seriously. Here’s my list of repeat offenders ...

Shedding the Year of the Snake by Conlee Ricketts

I’m taking a few moments before the end of the year to bid it farewell, say good riddance and put to rest this most difficult year. Ten days into 2013 I broke my wrist requiring surgery complete with titanium plate, screws, and no health insurance. A few weeks after that (unable ...

Hers and Mine by Conlee Ricketts

I recently confessed to a friend that for the first nine years or so of my daughter’s life I would have to take some time to go off and cry every Christmas. I cried because I felt like I didn’t provide a “magical enough” Christmas. It took me a lot ...

My Crazy Fears by Conlee Ricketts

I have an irrational fear of bouillon cubes, chicken stock, and heavy cream. I’m not lying—this is one of my shameful truths. It’s a crippling fear. I shy away from glorious looking recipes because I see the words “bouillon cube” or “heavy cream” in the ingredients. That’s just crazy! Right? I ...