Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

How to Balance Your Career with Motherhood

For moms who want to maintain a career outside the home, as well as being an active parent, it can be tricky to get the balance right. However, you shouldn’t feel forced to choose between your professional career and your child. With the following tips, you can ensure that you ...

I’m the oldest of 8, and yet I’m an only child by Pamela Francis

It was Thanksgiving again and even though we are supposed to be staying put and not super-spreading Corona all over the country, invitations to Thanksgiving dinner were still being bandied about. Popular gal that I am, by Thanksgiving Eve Eve, I had gotten 1 invite. People know that I move ...

Tips for Raising a Child with Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a very common condition among adults, but that’s not to say kids cannot experience it as well. According to a study, 20% to 35% percent of children worldwide suffer from chronic pain, with 3% requiring intensive rehabilitation. The good news is that with a concerted pain management strategy, ...

“Story Pirates” Launches Immersive “Sleep Squad” Theater Experience to Help with Bedtime, Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

[caption id="attachment_30461" align="alignright" width="300"] Lilli Cooper as Captain Siesta Shut-eye in Sleep Squad. Photo credit: Courtesy of the Producers of Sleep Squad.[/caption] I’m always excited to tell you about fun new things you can try with your children—especially at this time when fun new things seem in short supply. But, I’m ...

Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields (Book Excerpt)

There are probably a lot of wonderful things about your parents that you want to pass down to your child: creativity and encouragement, open and honest discussions, and your mom’s special pancake recipe. Reactivity? Explosive anger? Um, no. Once you establish a steady meditation practice, you can expect your reactivity to ...

Not Again?!?!?!?! By Ali Skylar

CHARACTERS:  Ali, mom, and Chaz, her 21 year old son SETTING:  Ali and Chaz talking on the phone CHAZ:  So mom, good news, I can def take the flight tomorrow at 2:15. Get home a week earlier for Thanksgiving. ALI: Yay!  Work let you out? CHAZ: Yep, I’m good to go. ALI: Okay, let me ...

Budget Conscious Bedroom Design Trends for Children by Kristina Marshall

There's enough work that goes into being a great mom without the pressure of investing thousands of dollars to make your kids' rooms stylish.  But, even without breaking the bank, it is possible to achieve fabulous!  Here are the top ten popular kid's bedroom design trends you can recreate on ...

When Tech Goes Airy-Fairy by Pamela Francis

I am in the middle of learning a totally new skill to add to my cadre of success secrets for my businesses.  I am going to refrain from telling you the exact skill I am being taught (for now) because I haven’t run the metrics on strategic placement of a ...

Ted Lasso To The Family Rescue! by Ali Skylar

My kids are about 7 years apart. My daughter, Lexi, now 28, is the big sister. My son, Chaz, is 21 years old and the younger bro. When they were young, it kinda sucked when it came to planning family vacations, or trying to find a game we could all play ...

A Time to Seek: Meaning, Purpose and Spirituality at Midlife by Susan Pohlman (Book Excerpt)

My midlife disequilibrium began unexpectedly. I started experiencing pseudo panic attacks when Katie left for college, a feeling that I couldn’t inhale deeply enough. The doctor assured me that it was nothing major—this was life. Katie was happy and thriving on her campus in California, but I missed her desperately. ...